28 February 2010

inspiration for this week. I plan to use this when making my 3-d type [: http://www.flickr.com/photos/associatedfabrication/sets/72157623382667038/

radial poster part deux

here's the first two versiona of my second radial poster. This system is extremely difficult for me. I Don't like it one bit.

Let me know what you think.
after putting up the preview, I took out a lot of those music notes out. Unnecessary.

26 February 2010

some process for radial posters:

25 February 2010

some images i'm making for the next poster.

I'm obsessed with seacreatures recently. Octopi and Jellyfish.

24 February 2010

He said it himself.

19 February 2010

First ACL Posters!

For the first ones I tried to keep it pretty simple. Always open to feedback [:

Here's the band I'm going to be basing my posters off of for this ongoing project we're starting.
It's not exactly typical of music I like, but for some reason it works for me, so I'm going to roll with it and see where it goes!

Also: some inspiration. This beauty is from a blog I follow on Tumblr called black and wtf. They have the weirdest old black and white photos. They're great. (As far as blogs go, Tumblr is one of my favorites. You can follow me @ mmcgill.tumblr.com)

If you tumble and have a sense of humor, check out WordBoner too. classy name, right?

16 February 2010

Drop Cap Week 1

I've always been really interested in block lettering and utilizing positive and negative space with type so I used block sanserif and eye charts as my inspiration for the first week.

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